Gad Galili
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Yechiel Shai
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Biomolecular Sciences - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Assaf Gal
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Nir Fluman
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Biomolecular Sciences - Senior Scientist
Person: Academic
Lior Aram
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences - Assistant Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Yonatan Katz
- Faculty of Biology, Department of Brain Sciences - Associate Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Adi Kimchi
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Molecular Genetics - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Nadav Elad
- Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Research Support - Associate Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Yoseph Addadi
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Life Sciences Core Facilities - Associate Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Iddo Pinkas
- Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Research Support - Senior Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Reinat Nevo
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Biomolecular Sciences - Senior Staff Scientist
Person: Fellow
Asaph Aharoni
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences - Professor (Full), Head
- Faculty of Biochemistry, Melvyn A. Dobrin Center for Nutrition and Plant Research - Head
- Faculty of Biochemistry, The Charles W. and Tillie K. Lubin Center for Plant Biotechnology - Head
- Faculty of Biochemistry, The Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Center for Plant Molecular Genetics Resear - Head
Person: Academic
Oz Ben Joseph
External person
Efrat Weithorn
External person
Arik Honig
External person
Shira Avital
External person
Colin A. Smith
External person
Yasin Dagdas
External person
Elena A. Minina
- Linnean Ctr Plant Biol
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Heidelberg University
External person
Lorenzo Picchianti
External person
DM Engelman
External person
Raz Danieli
- Agricultural Research Organization of Israel
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
External person
Tamar Avin-Wittenberg
External person
Nuria S. Coll
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (Spain, Barcelona) - CRAG
External person
IT Arkin
External person
Thomas Van Parys
External person
T Alergand
External person
Leilah Krounbi
External person
Hanna Levanony
External person
Michal Oren-Shamir
- Agricultural Research Organization of Israel
- Weizmann Institute of Science
External person