A Custodial Symmetry for Muon g-2

Reuven Balkin, Cedric Delaunay, Michael Geller, Enrique Kajomovitz, Gilad Perez, Yogev Shpilman, Yotam Soreq

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


We discuss the recent results on the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the context of new physics models with light scalars. We propose a model of one-loop contributions to g−2 of a scalar and a pseudoscalar which naturally cancel in the massless limit by symmetry. This model allows us to interpolate between two possible interpretations while keeping new physics light. In the first interpretation, the results provide a strong evidence of the existence of new physics, dominated by the (positive) contribution of a CP-even scalar. In the second one, supported by the recent lattice result, the data provides a strong upper bound on new physics, specifically in the case of (negative) pseudoscalar contributions. We emphasize that tree-level signatures of the new scalars are enhanced relative to conventional explanations of the discrepancy. As a result, this model can be tested in the near future with accelerator-based experiments and possibly also at the precision frontier.
Original languageEnglish
Article number053009
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical review. D.
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2021


United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Israel Science Foundation German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development National Science Foundation Azrieli Foundation Taub Family Foundation We thank Yossi Nir for a comment made that drove us to think about a mechanism to suppress the one-loop contributions to , without affecting the tree level ones. We thank Iftah Galon and Omer Tsur for useful discussions. M. G. is supported by grants from BSF, ISF, and GIF foundations. E. K. is supported by grants from BSF and ISF. The work of G. P. is supported by grants from BSF-NSF, the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research and award, GIF, ISF, Minerva and Weizmann’s SABRA—Yeda-Sela—WRC Program, the Estate of Emile Mimran, and The Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Endowment. Y. S. and R. B. are supported by grants from NSF-BSF, ISF and the Azrieli foundation. Y. S. is a Taub fellow (supported by the Taub Family Foundation).


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