Average charged-particle multiplicities in π-p inclusive reactions at 147 GeV/c

D. Brick, D. Fong*, M. Heller, A. M. Shapiro, M. Widgoff, F. Bruyant, D. Bogert, M. Johnson, R. Burnstein, C. Fu, D. Petersen, M. Robertson, H. Rubin, R. D. Sard, A. Snyder, J. Tortora, E. D. Alyea, C. Y. Chien, P. Lucas, A. PevsnerR. Zdanis, F. Barreiro, O. Benary, J. E. Brau, C. E. DeTar, J. Grunhaus, E. S. Hafen, R. I. Hulsizer, U. Karshon, V. Kistiakowsky, A. Levy, A. Napier, I. A. Pless, J. P. Silverman, T. Stoughton, P. C. Trepagnier, J. Wolfson, R. K. Yamamoto, H. O. Cohn, P. F. Jacques, T. C. Ou, R. J. Plano, T. L. Watts, E. B. Brucker, E. Koller, P. Stamer, S. Taylor, W. M. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler, E. Hart, H. Kraybill, D. Ljung, T. Ludlam, H. D. Taft

*Corresponding author for this work

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The experimentally determined average charged-particle multiplicities, nX, of the systems, X, produced in the following reactions for 147 GeV/c incident pion momentum are presented as functions of the square of the invariant mass of X, MX2, and of |t|:π-p→πfast-X, π-p→pX, π-p→Δ++X, π-p→(π-π+)ρ0X, and π-p→Λ0X. Details of the analysis are discussed. These data can be fit by the expression nX=A+Bln MX2+C|t| and the coefficients obtained for B are equal within their uncertainties. C is significantly different from zero only for π-p→πfast-X. These results and X data from other inclusive and total-inelastic-reaction studies are discussed in terms of a simple model which assumes contributions to nX from the target-fragmentation, the central, and the beam-fragmentation regions in the case of total-inelastic reactions. For inclusive reactions, either the beam or target fragmentation is replaced by an exchange-particle-fragmentation contribution. The s, t, and MX2 dependence of the parameters of the model are deduced from triple-Regge considerations. The data are found to be consistent with the model and values are presented for the parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)743-763
Number of pages21
JournalPhysical review D
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 1979


This work was suyported in part by the U. S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. We gratefully acknowlege the efforts on behalf of this experiment by the Fermilab Neutrino Section and 30-inch bubble-chamber staffs and the spanning and measuring personnel of the participating institutions. One of us (J.E. Brau) would like to thank the John and Fannie Hertz Foundation for financial support.

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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