Few-Wall Carbon Nanotube Coils

Dekel Nakar, Georgy Gordeev, Leonardo D. Machado, Ronit Popovitz-Biro, Katya Rechav, Eliezer F. Oliveira, Patryk Kusch, Ado Jorio, Douglas S. Galvao, Stephanie Reich, Ernesto Joselevich*

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16 Citations (Scopus)


While various electronic components based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have already been demonstrated, the realization of miniature electromagnetic coils based on CNTs remains a challenge. Coils made of single-wall CNTs with accessible ends for contacting have been recently demonstrated but were found unsuitable to act as electromagnetic coils because of electrical shorting between their turns. Coils made of a few-wall CNT could in principle allow an insulated flow of current and thus be potential candidates for realizing CNT-based electromagnetic coils. However, no such CNT structure has been produced so far. Here, we demonstrate the formation of few-wall CNT coils and characterize their structural, optical, vibrational, and electrical properties using experimental and computational tools. The coils are made of CNTs with 2, 3, or 4 walls. They have accessible ends for electrical contacts and low defect densities. The coil diameters are on the order of one micron, like those of single-wall CNT coils, despite the higher rigidity of few-wall CNTs. Coils with as many as 163 turns were found, with their turns organized in a rippled raft configuration. These coils are promising candidates for a variety of miniature devices based on electromagnetic coils, such as electromagnets, inductors, transformers, and motors. Being chirally and enantiomerically pure few-wall CNT bundles, they are also ideal for fundamental studies of interwall coupling and superconductivity in CNTs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)953-962
Number of pages10
JournalNano Letters
Issue number2
Early online date23 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 12 Feb 2020


D.N. and E.J. thank Nitzan Shadmi for helpful discussions. We thank Lothar Houben for help with TEM imaging. E.J. holds the Drake Family Professorial Chair of Nanotechnology and acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant number 338849), and the Minerva Stiftung (grant number 713215). This research was also partly supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science, the Moscowitz Center for Nano and Bio-Nano Imaging, and the Perlman Family Foundation. D.N. acknowledges support from the Feinberg Graduate School. G.G., P.K., and S.R. acknowledge the German Research Foundation (DFG via SFB 658, subproject A6). L.D.M., E.F.O., and D.S.G. are supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP (grant numbers 2013/08293-7 and 2016/18499-0). D.S.G, L.D.M., and E.F.O would like to thank the Center for Computational Engineering and Sciences at Unicamp for financial and computational support. LDM would also like to acknowledge the support of the High Performance Computing Center at UFRN (NPAD/UFRN). A.J. acknowledges support from the Humboldt Foundation and the Brazilian agencies CNPq (grant number 429165/2018-8) and CAPES (grant number 88881.198744/2018-01). Author Contributions The manuscript was written through the contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. E.J. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant number 338849), and the Minerva Stiftung (grant number 713215). G.G, P.K, and S.R acknowledge the German Research Foundation (DFG via SFB 658, subproject A6). L.D.M., E.F.O., and D.S.G. are supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP (grant numbers 2013/08293-7 and 2016/18499-0). A.J is supported by the Humboldt Foundation and the Brazilian agencies CNPq (grant number 429165/2018-8) and CAPES (grant number 88881.198744/2018-01).


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