Parametric MRI of water diffusion in breast cancer

Y Paran, SA Adansky-Boldin, Raanan Margalit, Hadassa Degani

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Diffusion MRI studies revealed specific morphological and physiological properties of MCF7 tumors implanted in the mammary gland of immunodeficient mice. These tumors mimic the histological and pathophysiological properties of human breast cancer in patients. The experiments were conducted by (1) applying varying diffusion gradient strengths, Gd, from 0 to 20 G/cm and a short diffusion time (td = 16 ms) in order to minimize the effect of restriction and exchange of water between the intra- and extracellular compartments, and (2) applying a strong constant gradient and diffusion times up to 96 ms, revealing water restriction and exchange. The normalized signal intensity was plotted against the diffusion weighting factor b, taking into account interaction with the imaging gradients. The curves were analyzed by applying a bi-exponential decay function assuming two exchanging water compartments, with fast and slow diffusion coefficients. The amplitudes and decay constants of the two exponents, a fast and a slow one, were related to the fraction and apparent diffusion coefficients of the extra- and intracellular water, respectively, considering contributions of restriction and exchange. During tumor progression the distribution of the diffusion parameters for the same experimental protocol varied and became less homogeneous. This was predominantly due to variations in the cellularity and increased necrosis. Upon treatment of the tumors with a new anti-estrogenic drug, tamoxifen methiodide, the changes in the diffusion parameters indicated increased cell swelling. Hence, this cytostatic response to treatment was detected before actual cell death was apparent. The potential capacity of diffusion MRI is of high clinical relevance and may help improve the noninvasive diagnosis and followup of treatment of this devastating disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-114
Number of pages12
JournalIsrael Journal of Chemistry
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2003

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry


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