Recovering quantum coherence of a cavity qubit through environment monitoring and active feedback

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Decoherence in qubits, caused by their interaction with a noisy environment, poses a significant challenge to developing reliable quantum processors. Monitoring the qubit's environment enables not only to identify decoherence events but also to reverse these errors, thereby restoring the qubit coherence. This approach is particularly beneficial for superconducting cavity qubits, whose unavoidable interaction with auxiliary transmons impacts their coherence. In this work, we uncover the intricate dynamics of cavity decoherence by tracking the noisy trajectory of a transmon acting as the cavity's environment. Using real-time feedback, we successfully recover the lost coherence of the cavity qubit, achieving a fivefold increase in its dephasing time. Alternatively, by detecting transmon errors and converting them into erasures, we improve the cavity phase coherence by more than an order of magnitude. These advances are essential for implementing long-lived cavity qubits with high-fidelity gates and can enable more efficient bosonic quantum error correction codes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusIn preparation - 4 Mar 2024


We acknowledge valuable input from Vladimir Sivak, Alec Eickbusch, Ofer Zeitouni, and Barak Zackay. We acknowledge financial support from the Israel Science Foundation ISF Quantum Science and Technologies Grants 963/19 and 2022/20, and the European Research Council Starting Investigator Grant Q-CIRC 134847. S.R. is the incumbent of the Rabbi Dr. Roger Herst Career Development Chair.


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