Relaxion stars and their detection via atomic physics

Abhishek Banerjee, Dmitry Budker, Joshua Eby*, Hyungjin Kim, Gilad Perez

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83 Citations (Scopus)


The cosmological relaxion can address the hierarchy problem, while its coherent oscillations can constitute dark matter in the present universe. We consider the possibility that the relaxion forms gravitationally bound objects that we denote as relaxion stars. The density of these stars would be higher than that of the local dark matter density, resulting in enhanced signals in table-top detectors, among others. Furthermore, we raise the possibility that these objects may be trapped by an external gravitational potential, such as that of the Earth or the Sun. This leads to formation of relaxion halos of even greater density. We discuss several interesting implications of relaxion halos, as well as detection strategies to probe them. Here, we show that current and near-future atomic physics experiments can probe physical models of relaxion dark matter in scenarios of bound relaxion halos around the Earth or Sun.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Number of pages8
JournalCommunications Physics
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jan 2020


We are grateful for useful discussions and comments on the manuscript from Kfir Blum, Itay Halevy, Eric Kuflik, Mordehai Milgrom, Roee Ozeri, Gil Paz, Stephan Schiller, L.C.R. Wijewardhana, and Hong Zhang. The work of D.B. is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 695405), the Simons and Heising-Simons Foundations and the DFG Reinhart Koselleck project. The work of J.E. is supported by the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program. The work of G.P. is supported by grants from the BSF, ERC, ISF, Minerva, and the Segre Research Award. All authors contributed to the scientific discussions and theoretical developments of this work; the original idea of the relaxion halo emerged as a result of these group discussions. The text was co-written also by all authors. D.B. provided background regarding experimental sensitivities and methods in atomic physics. J.E. analyzed boson star configurations and their stability. H.K. derived the gravitational constraints on relaxion halos bound to the Earth and Sun. A.B., H.K., and G.P. provided details regarding the specific relaxion dark matter model analyzed. A.B. and G.P. provided independent checks of all results, and G.P. also supervised the project.

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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