Scanning SQUID-on-tip microscope in a top-loading cryogen-free dilution refrigerator

Haibiao Zhou, Nadav Auerbach, Indranil Roy, Matan Bocarsly, Martin E Huber, Barun Barick, Arnab Pariari, Markus Hücker, Zhi Shiuh Lim, A Ariando, Alexey I Berdyugin, Na Xin, Michael Rappaport, Yuri Myasoedov, Eli Zeldov*

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The scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) fabricated on the tip of a sharp quartz pipette (SQUID-on-tip) has emerged as a versatile tool for the nanoscale imaging of magnetic, thermal, and transport properties of microscopic devices of quantum materials. We present the design and performance of a scanning SQUID-on-tip microscope in a top-loading probe of a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator. The microscope is enclosed in a custom-made vacuum-tight cell mounted at the bottom of the probe and is suspended by springs to suppress vibrations caused by the pulse tube cryocooler. Two capillaries allow for the in situ control of helium exchange gas pressure in the cell that is required for thermal imaging. A nanoscale heater is used to create local temperature gradients in the sample, which enables quantitative characterization of relative vibrations between the tip and the sample. The spectrum of the vibrations shows distinct resonant peaks with a maximal power density of about 27 nm/Hz1/2 in the in-plane direction. The performance of the SQUID-on-tip microscope is demonstrated by magnetic imaging of the MnBi2Te4 magnetic topological insulator, magnetization and current distribution imaging in a SrRuO3 ferromagnetic oxide thin film, and thermal imaging of dissipation in graphene.
Original languageEnglish
Article number053706
Number of pages9
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2023

Bibliographical note

This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Research and Innovation Program (Grant No. 101089714), by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 687/22), and by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore and Israel Science Foundation (ISF) under ISF-NRF joint program (Grant Nos. 3518/20 and NRF2020-NRF-ISF004-3518). E.Z. acknowledges the support from the Andre Deloro Prize for Scientific Research and Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (Grant No. 2112-04911).

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Instrumentation


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