Segmented filamentous bacteria-induced epithelial MHCII regulates cognate CD4+ IELs and epithelial turnover

Tomáš Brabec, Martin Schwarzer, Katarína Kováčová, Martina Dobešová, Dagmar Schierová, Jiří Březina, Iva Pacáková, Dagmar Šrůtková, Osher Ben-Nun, Yael Goldfarb, Iva Šplíchalová, Michal Kolář, Jakub Abramson, Dominik Filipp, Jan Dobeš

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Intestinal epithelial cells have the capacity to upregulate MHCII molecules in response to certain epithelial-adhesive microbes, such as segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB). However, the mechanism regulating MHCII expression as well as the impact of epithelial MHCII-mediated antigen presentation on T cell responses targeting those microbes remains elusive. Here, we identify the cellular network that regulates MHCII expression on the intestinal epithelium in response to SFB. Since MHCII on the intestinal epithelium is dispensable for SFB-induced Th17 response, we explored other CD4+ T cell-based responses induced by SFB. We found that SFB drive the conversion of cognate CD4+ T cells to granzyme+ CD8α+ intraepithelial lymphocytes. These cells accumulate in small intestinal intraepithelial space in response to SFB. Yet, their accumulation is abrogated by the ablation of MHCII on the intestinal epithelium. Finally, we show that this mechanism is indispensable for the SFB-driven increase in the turnover of epithelial cells in the ileum. This study identifies a previously uncharacterized immune response to SFB, which is dependent on the epithelial MHCII function.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere20230194
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Experimental Medicine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

We are thankful to Martina Krausová and Šárka Kocourková from the Genomics and Bioinformatics core facility of the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Prague, Czech Republic, for the preparation of single-cell libraries and to Zdeněk Cimburek from the Flow Cytometry Core Facility of the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Prague, Czech Republic for suggestions related to cell sorting. We thank the Animal Facility in Krč personnel of the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Prague, Czech Republic for their excellent maintenance of our animal colonies and Šárka Maisnerová from the Laboratory of Gnotobiology, Institute of Microbiology in Nový Hrádek, Czech Republic for the GF and SFB-negative mice maintenance. We are thankful to Bernard Malissen (Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille Luminy, Marseille, France), Ulrich Kalinke (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Hannover, Germany), and Veronika Sexl (Veterinary University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) for valuable mouse strains.

Research in the Dobeš laboratory (J. Dobeš, T. Brabec, K. Kováčová, M. Dobešová, I. Pacáková) is kindly supported by the Czech Science Foundation JUNIOR STAR grant (no. 21-22435M), Czech Science Foundation grant (no. 22-30879S) and by Charles University PRIMUS grant (no. Primus/21/MED/003). M. Schwarzer and D. Šrůtková are supported by the Czech Science Foundation JUNIOR STAR grant (no. 21-19640M). D. Filipp, I. Šplichalová, and J. Březina are supported by grant no. 20-30350S and 22-30879S from the Czech Science Foundation. M. Kolář is supported by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education project (no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000785).

Author contributions: T. Brabec, D. Filipp, J. Abramson, and J. Dobeš initiated the project. T. Brabec and J. Dobeš designed the vast majority of experiments, critically discussed the data, and wrote and revised the manuscript in close collaboration. T. Brabec executed and analyzed the majority of the experiments, J. Dobeš executed some of the experiments and acquired the funding. J. Abramson and D. Filipp critically discussed the results, revised the manuscript, and contributed with critically important reagents. M. Schwarzer critically contributed to the design of gnotobiotic experiments and together with D. Šrůtková provided SFB monoisolates, performed all SFB colonization experiments and handled all gnotobiotic animals. K. Kováčová performed majority of microscopy analysis and provided technical support for the project. M. Dobešová performed some of the experiments, carried out the majority of mouse genotyping, and provided technical support for the project. J. Březina performed animal irradiation, critically discussed the data and the manuscript. I. Pacáková provided support in some of the experiments. D. Schierová, O. Ben-Nun, Y. Goldfarb, and I. Šplichalová performed some of the experiments. M. Kolář provided technical expertise in scRNA-seq experiments.

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology


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