Sub- mu m semiconductor device structures in CuInSe2

S Richter, V Lyakhovitskaya, S. R. Cohen, Konstantin Gartsman, David Cahen, Y Manassen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


We fabricate sub-micron sized diode and transistor structures (down to 100 nm in diameter) inside CuInSe2 crystals by inducing thermally assisted electromigration of mobile dopants. This is achieved by applying an electric field via a small area contact to the crystals, using a conducting Atomic Force Microscope tip. The structures are characterized by nm scale scanning spreading resistance and scanning capacitance measurements to reveal the inhomogeneous doping profiles, that result from the electric field action. Calculations suggest that the smallest of the structures that we made are very close to the lower size limit of possible p/n/p devices.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTernary and Multinary Compounds
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 11th International Conference, University of Salford, 8-12 September, 1997
EditorsR. D. Tomlinson, A. E. Hill, R. D. Pilkington
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1998
Event11th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds - Salford, United Kingdom
Duration: 8 Sept 199712 Sept 1997

Publication series

SeriesInstitute of Physics Conference Series


Conference11th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds
Abbreviated titleICTMC-11
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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