Anomalous elasticity and emergent dipole screening in three-dimensional amorphous solids

Harish Charan, Michael Moshe, Itamar Procaccia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


In recent work, we developed a screening theory for describing the effect of plastic events in amorphous solids on its emergent mechanics. The suggested theory uncovered an anomalous mechanical response of amorphous solids where plastic events collectively induce distributed dipoles that are analogous to dislocations in crystalline solids. The theory was tested against various models of amorphous solids in two dimensions, including frictional and frictionless granular media and numerical models of amorphous glass. Here we extend our theory to screening in three-dimensional amorphous solids and predict the existence of anomalous mechanics similar to the one observed in two-dimensional systems. We conclude by interpreting the mechanical response as the formation of nontopological distributed dipoles that have no analog in the crystalline defects literature. Having in mind that the onset of dipole screening is reminiscent of Kosterlitz-Thouless and hexatic transitions, the finding of dipole screening in three dimensions is surprising.
Original languageEnglish
Article number055005
Number of pages9
JournalPhysical Review. E
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2023

Bibliographical note

This work had been supported in part by Israeli Science Foundation under Grant No. 3492/21 (collaboration with China) and the Minerva Center for “Aging, from physical materials to human tissues” at the Weizmann Institute. M.M. acknowledges support from the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 1441/19).


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