Local and nonlocal energy spectra of superfluid He 3 turbulence

L. Biferale, D. Khomenko, V. L'vov, A. Pomyalov, I. Procaccia, G. Sahoo

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Below the phase transition temperature Tc≃10-3K He3-B has a mixture of normal and superfluid components. Turbulence in this material is carried predominantly by the superfluid component. We explore the statistical properties of this quantum turbulence, stressing the differences from the better known classical counterpart. To this aim we study the time-honored Hall-Vinen-Bekarevich-Khalatnikov coarse-grained equations of superfluid turbulence. We combine pseudospectral direct numerical simulations with analytic considerations based on an integral closure for the energy flux. We avoid the assumption of locality of the energy transfer which was used previously in both analytic and numerical studies of the superfluid He3-B turbulence. For T<0.37Tc, with relatively weak mutual friction, we confirm the previously found "subcritical" energy spectrum E(k), given by a superposition of two power laws that can be approximated as E(k)k-x with an apparent scaling exponent 53<x(k)<3. For T>0.37Tc and with strong mutual friction, we observed numerically and confirmed analytically the scale-invariant spectrum E(k)k-x with a (k-independent) exponent x>3 that gradually increases with the temperature and reaches a value x∼9 for T≈0.72Tc. In the near-critical regimes we discover a strong enhancement of intermittency which exceeds by an order of magnitude the corresponding level in classical hydrodynamic turbulence.

Original languageEnglish
Article number184510
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2017

Bibliographical note

This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme, ERC Grant Agreement No 339032. The numerical simulations have been performed under the PRACE grant Pra12_3088. We acknowledge technical support from CINECA.

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Condensed Matter Physics


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